
Empowering Legal Excellence: The Role of IT Services in Law Firms

Empowering Legal Excellence: The Role of IT Services in Law Firms Did you know? According to the American Bar Association’s 2020 Legal Technology Survey Report, 29% ...

Technology- The Wave of the Future

  Technology has been the US economy’s best defense against the COVID pandemic. Computing and communicating across the Internet has allowed an enormous number of ...

Time is money! Don’t make the mistake of calling the 1-800 pop-up!

Too often, we see clients who have been hacked on their devices because of calling a mismarked service number from Amazon or Microsoft. It happens ...

New Month. New Day. New Opportunities for Cyberattacks.

The month of October is dedicated to cybersecurity awareness. But, in reality, shouldn’t we be aware that cyberattacks happen on a consistent basis? And, shouldn’t ...

Ransomware Attacks and the Importance of Multi-factor Authentication (MFA)

Ransomware, It’s Worse Than You Think! Many small to midsize business owners think that cybercriminals are focused on pursuing larger entities with deeper pockets, but ...

Working Together When Apart

Tip: Keep your work force moving in the same direction: A morning huddle can keep your staff accountable during this unprecedented time You’ve taken the ...

Your Anti-virus Software is not Enough

There was a time when anti-virus software was the height of computer security, especially if you were a Windows user. But the landscape of threats ...

Hackers Are Targeting Nuclear Facilities, Homeland Security Dept. and F.B.I. Say

Since May, hackers have been penetrating the computer networks of companies that operate nuclear power stations and other energy facilities, as well as manufacturing plants ...

5 Things We Learned From Recent Ransomware Attacks

On Friday, some hospitals in the United Kingdom were struck with a peculiar attack: computers taken over, data inside encrypted and held ransom, all for ...

The Biggest Ransomware Attack in History Crippled UK Hospitals

A serious ransomware attack called WanaCrypt0r is currently affecting a wide variety of people and companies in 74 countries. Among the first affected are multiple ...

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